Research & Publications

Research (Penelitian)

  1. A Classification  of some graphs based on f-chromatix index to support an optimization of computation  (Karakterisasi Graf  Hasil Operasi Berdasarkan Indeks f-Kromatiknya untuk Mendukung Optimasi Waktu Komputasi), Fundamental Grant  DIKTI, Rp. 136 juta, 2014-2015 (principal investigator/ketua peneliti)
  2. Social network analysis for social media  marketing to support (Social  Network Analysis  untuk Social Media Marketing untuk Membantu Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM)), Competitive Grant DIKTI, Rp 130 juta, 2014-2015 (anggota peneliti)
  3. Medical record system and a classification of women fertilization based on PCO (Sistem Rekam Medis dan Klasifikasi system kesuburan wanita berdasarkan PCO), Program Riset Kemitraan IT Telkom Rp. 96,6 juta, 2013 (principal investigator/Ketua Peneliti)
  4. Software for Designing Automatic System on Chip (SoC) Based on Hardware/Software CoDesign,Competitive Grant DIKTI Rp. 75 juta, 2013 (Anggota Peneliti)
  5. Algorthm of f-coloring on cartesian product of graphs (Algoritma Pewarnaan-f  pada  Graf Hasilkali Kartesius,Fundamental Grant  DIKTI, Rp. 64.5  juta, 2011-2012 (principal investigator/Ketua Peneliti)
  6. Weather forcasting using a smarts system (Peramalan Cuaca Menggunakan Sistem Cerdas), Program Riset Kemitraan IT Telkom Rp. 175,6 juta, 2011 – 2012 (principal investigator/Ketua Peneliti)
  7. On the f-coloring of a the corona product of some graphs (Pewarnaan-f  pada Graf Hasil Operasi Korona), Program Riset Institusi ITB, Rp. 50 juta, 2010
  8. Analisis Quality of Service Aliran TCP mMenggunakan RED termodifikasi, Program Hibah Penelitian Dosen Muda  DIKTI, Rp. 8 juta, 2009 (Ketua Peneliti)
  9. Pewarnaan-T pada Hexagonal Network untuk Penetapan Frekuensi, IT Telkom, Rp. 5 juta, 2008. (Ketua Peneliti)

Publications (Publikasi)

Adiwijaya in the and

Adiwijaya in Scopus Sept 2015 and Adiwijaya in IEEE Xplore Sept 2015

List of some publications

International Journal

  1. Adiwijaya, A.N.M. Salman, O. Serra, D. Suprijanto, E.T. Baskoro, Some Graphs in Cf2 based on f-coloring, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 102:2 (2015), pp. 201-207
  2. Nhita, Adiwijaya, U.N. Wisesty, I. Ummah, Implementation of Evolving Neural Network on Mobile System for Planting Calendar Forecasting, Far east Journal of Electronics and Communications 14:2 (2015), pp. 81-92
  3. Adiwijaya,N. Wisesty, F. Nhita, : Some Line Search Techniques on the Modified Backpropagation for Forecasting of Weather Data in Indonesia, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 86:2 (2014), pp. 391 -396
  4. Adiwijaya,A.B. Wirayuda, U.N. Wisesty, Z.K.A. Baizal, U. Haryoko, An improvement of Backpropagation Performance by Using Conjugate Gradient on Forecasting of Air Temperature and Humidity in Indonesia, the Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences , Special Volume 2013 no.1,  pp. 57-67
  5. Adiwijaya, E. Novraditya, I.F.N. Baihaqi, U.N. Wisesty, Copyright Protection in Audio File Using Watermarking Approach Based on Wavelet-SVD, Applied Mechanics and Materials 321 (2013), pp. 1191-1195 .
  6. N. Yulita, T.H. Liong, Adiwijaya, Fuzzy Hidden Markov Models For Indonesian Speech Classification, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 16:3 (2012),  pp. 381-387.
  7. I W. Sudarsana, A. Hendra, Adiwijaya and D. Y. Setyawan, On Super Edge Anti Magic Total Labeling for t-Join Copies of Whell, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) 69:2 (2012), pp. 275 – 283.
  8. I.W. Sudarsana, H. Assiyatun, Adiwijaya, S. Musdalifah, The ramsey number for a linear forest versus two identical copies of complete graphs. Discrete Math. Algorithms Appl. 2 :4 (2010), pp. pp. 437–444
  9. Adiwijaya, A. N. M. Salman, D. Suprijanto, and E.T. Baskoro , A classification of some graphs containing wheels based on f-coloring, East West Journal of Mathematics, Special Volume 2010, pp. 200–207.
  10. Adiwijaya, A.N.M. Salman, D. Suprijanto, E.T. Baskoro, The f-coloring of Corona Product of a cycle with some other graphs, A classification of some graphs containing wheels based on f-coloring, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing  71 (2009), pp. 235 – 241.


National Journal (accredited)

  1. A. Marlita, Adiwijaya, A.P. Kurniati, Anomaly Detection pada Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Menggunakan Metode Bayesian Network, Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Telekomunikasi 17:1 (2012), pp. 53-61
  2. Sulasikin, W. Maharani, Adiwijaya, Probability Affinity Index pada Graf Berbobot untuk Social Network Analysis Berdasarkan Degree Centrality, Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Telekomunikasi, 17:1 (2012), pp. 62-68
  3. Gumilang, B. Purnama, Adiwijaya, Extraksi Fitur Mata Sebagai Deteksi Wajah Dengan Menggunakan Algoritma SUSAN, Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Telekomunikasi, 16:1 (2011)
  4. N. Wisesty, Adiwijaya, T. A. B. Wirayuda, Algoritma Conjugate Gradient Polak Ribiere untuk Peningkatan Performansi Backproagation pada Sistem Prediksi Temperatur Udara, Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Telekomunikasi 15:2 (2010)
  5. Agustina, Adiwijaya, A.M. Barmawi, Teknik Watermarking Menggunakan AMBTC dan IWT dalam Pendeteksian dan Perbaikan Citra Termanipulasi, Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Telekomunikasi, 15:2 (2010)
  6. Tjokorda A.B. Wirayuda, M. Ludovika, Adiwijaya, Pengenalan Pola Huruf Jepang (Kana) Menggunakan Direction Feature dan Learning Vector Quantization, Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Telekomuni-kasi, 13:2 (2008)
  7. Hendrik G.S., Adiwijaya, Kiki Maulana, Analisis Performansi Klasifikasi email Menggunakan Support Vector Machine, Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengemba-ngan Telekomuni-kasi, ,  12:1 (2007)
  8. Sukma R., Rimba Widia C, AdiwijayaPhonetic String Matching Termodifikasi, Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengemba-ngan Telekomu-nikasi, 12:1 (2007)
  9. Adiwijaya, R. Saragih, B. Riyanto T., Kontrol Kongesti Aliran TCP pada suatu Router dengan pengontrol H¥, Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Telekomunikasi 9:2 (2004)
  10. Adiwijaya, R. Saragih, B. Riyanto T., Sistem Kontrol Umpan Balik untuk Aliran TCP pada Router suatu Jaringan Komputer,  Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Telekomunikasi 8:2 (2003

International Proceeding

  1. Nhita, F., Adiwijaya, Annisa, S., Kinasih, S. Comparative study of grammatical evolution and adaptive neuro­fuzzy inference system on rainfall forecasting in Bandung, International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2015, DOI: 10.1109/ICoICT.2015.7231388  download paper .pdf IEEE ICoCIT 2015 Comparative Study of Grammatical Evolution
  2. Sinaga, A., Adiwijaya, Nugroho, H., Development of word­based text compression algorithm for Indonesian, International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2015, DOI: 10.1109/ICoICT.2015.7231466 download paper .pdf IEEE ICoCIT 2015 Development of Word-Based Text Compression
  3. Wisesty, Untari , Adiwijaya, Astuti, W. ,  Feature extraction analysis on Indonesian speech recognition system, International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2015, DOI: 10.1109/ICoICT.2015.7231396 download paper .pdf  IEEE ICoCIT 2015 Feature Extraction Analysis
  4. Prathiwi , D.S., Astuti , W., Adiwijaya, Wirayuda, T.A.B, Watermarking scheme for authenticity and integrity control of digital medical image using Reed­Muller Codes and Hash Block Chaining, International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2015, DOI: 10.1109/ICoICT.2015.7231391 download paper .pdf IEEE ICoCIT 2015 Watermarking Scheme for Authenticity and Integrity
  5. Setiawati , E., Adiwijaya, Tjokorda, A.B.W., Particle Swarm Optimization on follicles segmentation to support PCOS detection,  International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2015, DOI: 10.1109/ICoICT.2015.7231453 download paper .pdf  IEEE ICoCIT 2015 Particle Swarm Optimization
  6. Purnama, Bedy, Wisesti , Untari N., Adiwijaya, Nhita, F., Gayatri , A., Mutiah, T.,  A classification of polycystic Ovary Syndrome based on follicle detection of ultrasound images, Information aInternational Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2015, DOI: 10.1109/ICoICT.2015.7231458 download paper .pdf  IEEE ICoCIT 2015 A Classification of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  7. Ken Arnett, D. S., Baizal , Z.K.A., Adiwijaya, Recommender system based on user functional requirements using Euclidean fuzzy, International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2015, DOI: 10.1109/ICoICT.2015.7231467 download paper .pdf IEEE ICoCIT 2015 Recommender System
  8. Adiwijaya, B. Purnama, U.N. Wisesty, A. Hasyim, Maulida, W. Astuti, Follicle Detection on the USG Images to Support Determination Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 622 (2015) 012027, DOI: 1088/1742-6596/622/1/012027 download paper pdf
  9. Astuti, W., ,Adiwijaya, Wisety, U.N., Data hiding scheme on medical image using graph coloring , Journal of Physics: Conference Series 622 (2015) 012028, DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/622/1/012028 download paper .pdf widi
  10. Maharani, Adiwijaya, Gozali, A.A., Degree centrality and eigenvector centrality in twitter, Proceedings of 2014 8th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications, TSSA 2014, DOI: 10.1109/TSSA.2014.7065911 download paper .pdf
  11. Sharafina, N.; Maharani, W.; Adiwijaya; Taniarza, N., Probabilistic Partnership Index (PPI) in social network analysis using Kretschmer approach, 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2014  DOI: 10.1109/ICoICT.2014.6914105 download paper .pdf IEEE ICoCIT 2014 Nisa adiwijaya
  12. Efendy, V., Adiwijaya, A, Ardiyanti, Handling Imbalanced Data in Customer Churn Prediction Using Combined Sampling and Weighted Random Forest, 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2014 DOI 10.1109/ICoICT.2014.6914086 download paper .pdf IEEE ICoCIT 2014 effendy adiwijaya
  13. Nurcahyo, F. Nhita, Adiwijaya, Rainfall Prediction in Kemayoran Jakarta Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Partially Connected Feedforward Neural Network (PCFNN), 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2014 DOI: 10.1109/ICoICT.2014.6914059 download paper .pdf IEEE ICoCIT 2014 nurcahyo adiwijaya
  14. Nastaiinullah, N., Adiwijaya, A. P. Kurniati, Anomaly Detection on Intrusion Detection System Using Clique Partitioning, 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2014 DOI: 10.1109/ICoICT.2014.6914031 download paper .pdf IEEE ICoCIT 2014 nastaiinullah adiwijaya
  15. Faoziah, R.A.,Kurniati, A.P., Laksitowening, K.A., Adiwijaya, Audit of health agency for supporting an e-health management system (EHMS) case study: Ciparay Health Center, Bandung, 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2014  DOI: 10.1109/ICoICT.2014.6914036 download paper .pdf
  16. Adiwijaya, PN Faoziyah, FP Permana, TAB Wirayuda, UN Wisesty, Tamper detection and recovery of medical image watermarking using modified LSB and Huffman compression, Second International Conference on Informatics and Applications (ICIA) 2013 129 – 132. DOI: 10.1109/ICoIA.2013.6650242 download paper .pdf
  17. Adiwijaya, M Maharani, BK Dewi, FA Yulianto, B Purnama, Digital Image Compression using Graph Coloring Quantization Based on Wavelet-SVD, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 423 (2013) 1 – 7  DOI:10.1109/ICoICT.2014.6914031
  18. Rachman, Z.A., Maharani, W., Adiwijaya, The analysis and implementation of degree centrality in weighted graph in Social Network Analysis, International Conference of Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT), 2013   72 – 76 DOI: 10.1109/ICoICT.2013.6574552 download paper .pdf
  19. Nhita, F.,  Adiwijaya, A rainfall forecasting using fuzzy system based on genetic algorithm, International Conference of Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT), 2013 111 – 115 DOI: 10.1109/ICoICT.2013.6574557 download paper .pdf
  20. Adiwijaya, A.N.M. Salman, D. Suprijanto, dan E.T. Baskoro (2011), A characterization of the corona product of a cycle with some graphs based on its -chromatic index, The AIP Proceeding of International Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics 2011 download paper .pdf 
  21. Wisesty, U.N., Liong, T.H., Adiwijaya, Indonesian speech recognition system using Discriminant Feature Extraction – Neural Predictive Coding (DFE-NPC) and Probabilistic Neural Network Proceeding – IEEE International Conference On Computational Intelligence and Cybernetics, CyberneticsCom 2012 , pp. 158-162 DOI: 10.1109/CyberneticsCom.2012.6381638
  22. Sulistiyo, M.D., Saepudin, D., Adiwijaya, Optical character recognition using modified direction feature and nested multi layer perceptrons network Proceeding – IEEE International Conference On Computational Intelligence and Cybernetics, CyberneticsCom 2012 , pp. 30-34. DOI: 10.1109/CyberneticsCom.2012.6381611
  23. Sa’adah, S., The Houw Liong,  Adiwijaya, Prediction system of economic crisis in Indonesia using time series analysis and system dynamic optimized by genetic algorithm, International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET), pp. 1-6. DOI: 10.1109/ICSEngT.2012.6339339
  24. Kurniawan, M.T., Adiwijaya, Agung, W., Multiple watermarking on digital medical images for tamper detection and integrity control, Proceeding of 2012 2nd International Conference on Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering (URKE), 145 – 148  DOI: 10.1109/URKE.2012.6319530
  25. Agung, B.W.R., Adiwijaya, Permana, F.P., Medical image watermarking with tamper detection and recovery using reversible watermarking with LSB modification and run length encoding (RLE) compression,  International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite (ComNetSat), 2012, 167 – 171. DOI: 10.1109/ComNetSat.2012.6380799
  26. Adiwijaya, A.N.M. Salman, D. Suprijanto, dan E.T. Baskoro (2011), A characterization of the corona product of a cycle with some graphs based on its -chromatic index, The AIP Proceeding of International Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics 201, full text : adw 01
  27. I.W. Sudarsana, Adiwijaya, S. Musdalifah (2010): The Ramsey Numbers for a Linear Forest Versus Two Identical Copies of Complete Graphs,  Lecture Notes on Computer Science: Computing and Combinatorics (6196), Springer, 2010,  209-215.
  28. Adiwijaya, A.N.M. Salman, D. Suprijanto, E.T. Baskoro (2009),   f-chromatic indexes of graphs like-wheel,  Proceeding of International Conference on  Mathematics, Statistics, and its Applications 2009 pp.24-27
  29. Adiwijaya, A.N.M. Salman, D. Suprijanto, E.T. Baskoro (2009),  The f-coloring of Graphs containing Wheels, Proceeding of International Conference on  Mathematics, and Applications  2009 pp. 127-131.


Daftar Publikasi Dr. Adiwijaya untuk JFA (PRE PRINT)

  1. Adiwijaya, A.N.M. Salman, D. Suprijanto, E.T. Baskoro (2009), On f-coloring of Corona Product of a cycle with some other graphs, Journal of Comb. Math. and Comb. Computing 2009 , vol. 71 pp. 235-241; link : JFA: On f-coloring of Corona Product of a cycle with some other graphs:
  2. Adiwijaya, A. N. M. Salman, D. Suprijanto, and E.T. Baskoro, A classification of some graphs containing wheels based on f-coloring, East-West Journal of Math. 2010 pp.200-207,ICMA-MU 2009, Bangkok, Thailand ISSN 1513-489X; link: JFA-b-02: A classification of some graphs containing wheels based on f-coloring
  3. I W. Sudarsana, A. Hendra, Adiwijaya and D. Y. Setyawan, On Super Edge Anti Magic Total Labeling for t-Join Copies of Whell, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS), 69:2 (2012), 275 – 283, ISSN: 0972-0871; link: On Super Edge Anti Magic Total Labeling for t-Join Copies of Whell
  4. I. N. Yulita, T.H. Liong, Adiwijaya, Fuzzy Hidden Markov Models For Indonesian Speech Classification, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 16:3 (2012), 381-387; link: JFA-Fuzzy Hidden Markov Models For Indonesian Speech Classification
  5. Adiwijaya, E. Novraditya, I.F.N. Baihaqi, U.N. Wisesty, Copyright Protection in Audio File Using Watermarking Approach Based on Wavelet-SVD, Applied Mechanics and Materials 321 (2013), 1191-1195; ISSN:1662-7482; link: JFA: Copyright Protection in Audio File Using Watermarking Approach Based on Wavelet-SVD
  6. Adiwijaya, T.A.B. Wirayuda, U.N. Wisesty, Z.K.A. Baizal, U. Haryoko, An improvement of Backpropagation Performance by Using Conjugate Gradient on Forecasting of Air Temperature and Humidity in Indonesia, The Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS), Special Volume 2013 no.1, pp. 57-67 ( ISSN: 0972-0871), link: JFA-An improvement of Backpropagation Performance by Using Conjugate Gradient on Forecasting of Air Temperature and Humidity in Indonesia
  7. Adiwijaya, U.N Wisesty, And F. Nhita, Study Of Line Search Techniques on the Modifed Backpropagation for Forecasting of Weather Data in Indonesia, Far East Journal of mathematical Sciences (FJMS) 02/86 – 2014 Hal. 139-148; link: JFA-b-07: Study Of Line Search Techniques on the Modifed Backpropagation for Forecasting of Weather Data in Indonesia
  8. Sukma R., Rimba C, Adiwijaya (2007), Phonetic String Matching Termodifikasi Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan TELEKOMUNIKASI Volume 12 Nomor 1, Juni 2007 (No. ISSN : 1410-7066 Akreditasi : No. 34/DIKTI/Kep/2005); link: JFA-b-08-Phonetic String Matching Termodifikasi
  9. Hendrik G.S., Adiwijaya, Kiki Maulana (2007), Analisis Performansi Klasifikasi email Menggunakan Support Vector Machine, Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan TELEKOMUNIKASI Volume 12 Nomor 1, Juni 2007 (No. ISSN : 1410-7066 Akreditasi : No. 48/DIKTI/Kep/2006), link: JFA-b-09-Analisis Performansi Klasifikasi email Menggunakan Support Vector Machine
  10. Tjokorda A.B. Wirayuda, M. Ludovika, Adiwijaya, Pengenalan Pola Huruf Jepang (Kana) Menggunakan Direction Feature Extraction dan Learning Vector Quantization Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan TELEKOMUNIKASI Volume 13 Nomor 2, Juni 2008 (No. ISSN : 1410-7066 Akreditasi : No. 48/DIKTI/Kep/2006); link: JFA-b-10-Pengenalan Pola Huruf Jepang (Kana) Menggunakan Direction Feature Extraction dan Learning Vector Quantization
  11. R. Agustina, Adiwijaya, A.M. Barmawi, Teknik watermarking menggunakan AMBTC dan IWT dalam Pendeteksian dan Perbaikan Citra Termanipulasi Jurnal P&P Telekomunikasi, Des. 2010 (NO.ISSN :1410-7066 Akreditasi No. 83/DIKTI/Kep/2009); link: JFA-b-11-Teknik watermarking menggunakan AMBTC dan IWT dalam Pendeteksian dan Perbaikan Citra Termanipulasi
  12. U.N. Wisesty, Adiwijaya, T. A. B. Wirayudha, Algoritma Conjugate Gradient Polak Ribiere untuk Peningkatan Performansi backpropagation pada Sistem Prediksi pada Temperatur Udara Jurnal P&P Telekomunikasi, Des. 2010 , link: JFA-b-12-Algoritma Conjugate Gradient Polak Ribiere untuk Peningkatan Performansi backpropagation pada Sistem Prediksi pada Temperatur Udara JFA-b-12
  13. A. Gumilang, B. Purnama, Adiwijaya, Ekstraksi fitur mata sebagai deteksi wajah dengan Menggunakan Algoritma SUSAN Jurnal P&P Telekomunikasi, Juni 2011, ISSN: No. 1410-7066, Akreditasi : No. 83/DIKTI/Kep/2009, link: JFA-b-13- Ekstraksi fitur mata sebagai deteksi wajah dengan Menggunakan Algoritma SUSAN
  14. A. Sulasikin, W. Maharani, Adiwijaya, Analisis Degree Centrality Dalam Social Network Analysis Menggunakan Probabilistic Affinity Index (PAI) pada Graf Berarah-Berbobot Jurnal P&P Telekomunikasi, Jun. 2012, ISSN No.1410-7066, Akreditasi : No. 83/DIKTI/Kep/2009, link:JFA-b-14-Analisis Degree Centrality Dalam Social Network Analysis Menggunakan Probabilistic Affinity Index (PAI) pada Graf Berarah-Berbobot
  15. O.A Marlita, Adiwijaya, A.P Kurniati, Anomaly Detection pada Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Menggunakan Metode Bayesian Network Jurnal P&P Telekomunikasi, Jun. 2012, link: JFA-b-15-Anomaly Detection pada Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Menggunakan Metode Bayesian Network
  16. Adiwijaya, ANM Salman, ET Baskoro, D. Suprijanto (2008), JFA-b-16-The f-coloring of Corona Product of Complete Graph With Cycle Graph
  17. A characterization of the corona product of a  cycle with some graphs based on its f-chromatic index, JFA-b-17-A characterization of the corona product of a cycle with some graphs based on its f-chromatic index
  18. Medical image watermarking with tamper detection and recovery using reversible watermarking with LSB….., JFA-b-18-Medical image watermarking with tamper detection and recovery using reversible watermarking with LSB
  19. Multiple watermarking on digital medical images for tamper detection and integrity control, JFA-b-19-Multiple watermarking on digital medical images for tamper detection and integrity control
  20. Prediction system of economic crisis in Indonesia using time series analysis and system dynamic optimized by genetic algorithm, JFA-b-20-Prediction system of economic crisis in Indonesia using time series analysis and system dynamic optimized by genetic algorithm
  21. Optical character recognition using modified direction feature and nested multi layer perceptrons network, JFA-b-21-Optical character recognition using modified direction feature and nested multi layer perceptrons network
  22. Indonesian speech recognition system using Discriminant Feature Extraction – Neural Predictive Coding (DFE-NPC), JFA-b-22-Indonesian speech recognition system using Discriminant Feature Extraction – Neural Predictive Coding (DFE-NPC)
  23. A rainfall forecasting using fuzzy system based on genetic algorithm, JFA-b-23-A rainfall forecasting using fuzzy system based on genetic algorithm
  24. The analysis and implementation of degree centrality in weighted graph in Social Network Analysis, JFA-b-24-The analysis and implementation of degree centrality in weighted graph in Social Network Analysis
  25. Digital Image Compression using Graph Coloring Quantization Based on Wavelet-SVD, JFA-b-25-Digital Image Compression using Graph Coloring Quantization Based on Wavelet-SVD
  26. Tamper detection and recovery of medical image watermarking using modified LSB and Huffman compression, JFA-b-26-Tamper detection and recovery of medical image watermarking using modified LSB and Huffman compression
  27. The ramsey number for a linear forest versus two identical copies of complete graphs, JFA-b-27-The ramsey number for a linear forest versus two identical copies of complete graphs
  28. The Multiple Watermarking on Digital Medical Image for Mobility and Authenticity,
  29. Anomaly Detection on Intrusion Detection System Using CLIQUE Partitioning, JFA-b-29-Anomaly Detection on Intrusion Detection System Using CLIQUE Partitioning
  30. Handling Imbalanced data in customer churn prediction using combined sampling and weighted random forest, JFA-b-30-Handling Imbalanced data in customer churn prediction using combined sampling and weighted random forest
  31. Probabilistic Partnership Index (PPI) in Social Network Analysis using Kretscher Approach, JFA-b-31-Probabilistic Partnership Index (PPI) in Social Network Analysis using Kretscher Approach
  32. Rainfall Prediction in Kemayoran Jakarta Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Partially Connected Feedforward Neural Network (PCFNN), JFA-b-32-Rainfall Prediction in Kemayoran Jakarta Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Partially Connected
  33. Forecasting Indonesian Weather Through Evolving Neural Network (ENN) based on Genetic Algorithm, JFA-b-33-Forecasting Indonesian Weather Through Evolving Neural Network (ENN) based on GA
  34. On The f-coloring of Corona Product of Km and Kmc or Km and Pm, JFA-b-34-On The f-coloring of Corona Product of Km and Kmc or Km and Pm
  35. Teknik Line Search pada Conjugate Gradient dalam Proses Pelatihan Back-propagation untuk Peramalan Temperatur dan Kelembaban Udara, JFA-b-35-Teknik Line Search pada Conjugate Gradient dalam Proses Pelatihan Back-propagation untuk Peramalan Temperatur dan Kelembaban Udara
  36. Kompresi Citra Digital dengan Menggunakan Hebbian PCA, JFA-b-36-Kompresi Citra Digital dengan Menggunakan Hebbian PCA
  37. Ekstraksi Citra Barcode Menjadi Kode String Menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan dengan Algoritma Backpropagation, JFA-b-37-Ekstraksi Citra Barcode Menjadi Kode String Menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan dengan Algoritma Backpropagation
  38. Pengenalan Pola Sidik Jari Berbasis Transformasi Wavelet dan JST Backpropagation, JFA-b-38-Pengenalan Pola Sidik Jari Berbasis Transformasi Wavelet dan JST Backpropagation
  39. Optimasi Topologi Klaster, JFA-b-39-Optimasi Topologi Klaster
  40. Planting Calendar Forecasting System Using Evolving Neural Network, JFA-b-40-Planting Calendar Forecasting System Using Evolving Neural Network
  41. Some Graphs In Cf2 Based On f-Coloring, JFA-b-41, Some Graphs In Cf2 Based On f-Coloring
  42. Follicle detection on the USG images to support determination of polycystic ovary syndrome, JFA-b-42-Follicle detection on the USG images to support determination of polycystic ovary syndrome
  43. Data Hiding Scheme on Medical Image using Graph Coloring, JFA-b-43-Data Hiding Scheme on Medical Image using Graph Coloring
  44. Degree Centrality and Eigenvector Centrality in Twitter, JFA-b-44-Degree Centrality and Eigenvector Centrality in Twitter
  45. Particle Swarm Optimization on follicles segmentation to support PCOS detection, JFA-b-45-Particle Swarm Optimization on follicles segmentation to support PCOS detection
  46. Development of word-based text compression algorithm for Indonesian language document, JFA-b-46-Development of word-based text compression algorithm for Indonesian language document
  47. Recommender system based on user functional requirements using Euclidean fuzzy, JFA-b-47-Recommender system based on user functional requirements using Euclidean fuzzy
  48. Untari N. Wisesty, Adiwijaya, Widi Astuti, Feature extraction analysis on Indonesian speech recognition system,3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4799-7752-9; link: JFA-b-48-Feature extraction analysis on Indonesian speech recognition system
  49. JFA-b-49-Comparative study of grammatical evolution and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system on rainfall forecasting in Bandung
  50. Watermarking scheme for authenticity and integrity control of digital medical image using Reed-Muller Codes and Hash Block Chaining JFA-b-50-Watermarking scheme for authenticity and integrity control of digital medical image using Reed-Muller Codes and Hash Block Chaining

*If you need a paper from the list, don’t hesitate to contact me

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